Friday, November 21, 2008

Mental Blocks for Business Success - Fear of Success, Part 2

The first key to reaching the results you want is to quickly identify your blocking beliefs.

I find a special joy in working with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) because it allows me to do just that -- to find a plethora of precise blocking beliefs easily and comfortably, without any big effort on my client's part. EFT allows me to use all the nuggets my client tells me outright, along with all that I "hear" underneath what my client does not say. I can suggest things out loud, insert my own intuition, and synthesize many things without it feeling like I'm rushing the process. EFT done artfully allows the client to feel fully heard without having to have the verbal skills to make that happen. Blocking beliefs are identified very quickly.

Step 2, of course, is clearing the blocking beliefs and getting on with the business of success!

My business clients want results! Period. They don't want a long process. The vast majority do not want or need to sit and talk through a lot of stories of their life. They want to clear the blocks and get back out there with a more prosperous business and more personal satisfaction.

"Joe" is a very successful businessman. He has been very successful not only at sales but at developing a wide variety of company functions that support the community and other businesses. Joe also happens to have a mother who is very competitive with him regarding success. They're both in the same business; in fact, Joe began his career working as a youing man for his mother's company. A lot of people start their careers by being brought into the family business. It's a wonderful opportunity to give your children!

Years later, however, if the son happens to start outproducing the mother -- well, most mothers would be proud as punch. But not so in this case. Joe's mother starts making jabs at him, begins to find a plethora of ways to sabotage Joe's work and often his reputation. It finally came down to Joe having to make a very tough decision - and he left the very successful business he had been instrumental in creating to begin again - alone. And through hard work, he became successful again.

So what's the problem, you say? Well, nothing that's apparent. Joe is successful once again. But there is a non-conscious sabotage going on that no one can see. It's so unapparent, that it is perplexing to Joe. So he comes in and we talk awhile. (It's helpful for all of us to have someone else hearing the story with a different set of ears.) We do some tapping around the area of; "if I become REALLY successful as before, my mother will find another way to hurt me," and other things.

Rejection is a difficult thing for all of us. And rejection by a parent is particularly hard. It goes against all that we are wired for to feel safe, loved, and comfortable. The tapping was able to loosen up some of that "wired" script that he would not be safe if he became a huge success. It's why I love EFT so very much. It doesn't put anything on anybody. There are no rules about the way you should be. It merely - and powerfully - clears the fear or whatever block is in the cellular structure, and you are free to make the choices that you want. Joe was free - to be hugely successful, to hide if he so wished - free to do whatever was his desire. It's called Emotional Freedom Technique. You are free from any emotions that would hinder you from pursuing what is your path, your passion.
Here's to your free pursuit!

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