Friday, January 30, 2009

Believing In Your Success Makes It So

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are.
-- Anais Nin

I saw the movie "Doubt" a few nights ago and was so moved by this thought-provoking film that I went right home and began journaling. I wrote about the complexity of perception and reality, of what we deem "right and wrong," of moral certitude threatening the reality of the heart and flexible considerations. Did Philip Seymour Hoffman's Father Flynn take advangtage of the vulnerable boy, its first black student, Donald Muller? Or was he taking a special interest to love and guide him amidst the dangerous waters of his situation? Meryl Streep's sister Aloysius rules with the iron-handed assurance of unwavering discipline and installation of fear. She always knows what is right. Was she?

We now know that Belief, yes, what we Believe, actually creates our Reality. Perception is through our own lenses. We have known this for a long time. Anais Nin said it well at the beginning of the writing. Norman Vincent Peale knew what he was talking about in his "The Power of Positive Thinking." Our thinking is Powerful! Now in the 21st century, we actually have the science to back up the knowlege that Belief creates your reality.

I urge you to visit Bruce Lipton's book, "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles," Bruce H. Lipton, 2005. Also please note Dr. Masaru Emoto's work entitled, "The Hidden Messages in Water," Masaru Emoto, 2001 (Japan), 2004 (USA). The scientist in you will be marveling at how our beliefs create literal chemical synaptic changes in our body's functioning. Dr. Emoto shows pictures that display how your belief and emotional attitude toward water( whether loving or hateful) actually changes its crystals from beautiful and symmetrical to ugly and asymmetrically harsh.

Imagine how our own thoughts could shift to create a more supportive, vibrant, powerful, productive, successful reality for ourselves and for those around us. Check out the science of Belief. And if you aren't interested, well just take a look at how things have manifested in your life. Really, how did your success come about? Believing makes it so. In Doubt, we are left not really knowing what is the truth - at least that is what my lenses left me to believe. What do you believe? Whatever it is, it is so.
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