Friday, November 7, 2008

Raising Your Business Vibration

The economy is tanking - we hear it around every water cooler, every TV show and within every conversation. And if you open up your investment mailings, well - need I say more! This is just the time to put the cutting-edge technology of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to the test. It is more essential than ever to rid yourself of negative beliefs and emotions that will literally set you up for sabotage and a personal and professional downward spiral.

If you aren't familiar with the burgeoning literature of how thoughts create reality, revisit the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" ( 2005), re-read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, or read the latest research by Bruce Lipton and others about beliefs, thoughts and how they literally create a physiology for success or failure. I urge you to request a special report I wrote compiling research by many of the top scientists in this field of energy psychology. You can request this report on my website The main thing to know is that you MUST learn how to create a success physiology if you want to not only survive well, but ultimately thrive in this latest economic turn.

This thriving is just not economic. It's also about thriving in your sense of joy and freedom in your day-to-day living. It's easy, almost contagious, to get pulled down the drain with others who are complaining aout the economy, bad-mouthing their jobs, or projecting a negative version for their future. Be careful that you don't unknowingly allow this to lower your vibration. You can use technologies like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to rid yourself of negative thoughts, both the ones you know about and the unconscious beliefs you don't even know are running the show and stopping your success efforts! You can use EFT so that your body and mind and spirit develop a congruence to assist you toward all your goals for a satisfying life.

This is not mumbo-jumbo. This is hard science that too few people know about and particularly DO anything about. I encourage you to find out about this science because we now have these technologies you can use, most anytime, anywhere,to enhance your mood, your energy, clear your blocking beliefs, and instill powerful thoughts that will create a significant shift toward your success. I've been increasing the amount of time I use EFT with myself lately. It's made a huge difference in raising my vibration - creating a sense of "all is well" even if my retirement account reads a much lower number! I may have less money than the "papers" said I used to have, but I'm feeling good, feeling positive. It is this vibration of energy that is allowing me to make good decisions and proceed with a light heart and positive expectation for success.

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